Jivamukti-Yoga "Chakra Cleansing" Workshops in der YogaKitchen - Yoga in Düsseldorf (Oberkassel):

Jivamukti™-Yoga Workshop "Good clean fun" mit Magali Lehners

Yoga Düsseldorf, YogaKitchen, Magali Lehners ein Jivamukti™-Yoga Workshop zum Thema "Entgiftung", der mit der Frage beginnt was es denn für „Gifte“ gibt, die uns belasten. Jedem wird einleuchten, dass Yoga Asanas (Körperübungen), bei denen man durchaus zum Schwitzen kommt, den Körper entschlacken können. Aber wenn wir tiefer in die Yogaphilosophie bzw. in uns hinein schauen, mögen wir erkennen, dass die größere Belastung von Avidya (falscher Wahrnehmung) kommt, unserer verblendeten Sicht auf uns selbst und auch das Gefühl des Getrennt seins von anderen. Das Resultat bekommen wir emotional zu spüren als Enttäuschung, Neid, Angst etc. Der Workshop möchte Zugang schaffen zum höheren Selbst, das vom Auf– und Ab der Gedanken und Empfindungen unbeeinflusst bleibt. Dies zu erkennen ist Yoga und das was im eigentlichen Sinne mit „Entgiftung“ gemeint ist.

Und wie das alles geschieht?

Durch Integration weiterer Yogapraktiken in eine zuweilen schweißtreibende Asanapraxis, nämlich Chanting (Mantren singen), Kriyas (körperliche, energetische wie mentale Reinigungsübungen) und Meditation.

In this Jivamukti™ workshop we will explore how yoga can be an effective method of detoxification. But first of all the question is, what do you want to detoxify? It makes sense that yoga asana practice could detoxify the physical body, but the main toxin for the yogi is avidya - misperception of the true nature of the self; identification with our body, thoughts and feelings, rather than with the Absolute, Divine Self; thinking that there is a “you” that is separate from others- and the yoga practice can definitely clear that away. Avidya creates all the emotional toxins, like sadness, fear, anxiety etc.; while identification with the larger Self creates a body that is less or invulnerable to pain, disease and emotional upset. Anyone suffering from avidya can benefit from detoxification through yoga.

How does yoga detoxify?

Through chanting, kriyas (cleansing techniques), meditation and asana practice. In this workshop you will be introduced to those core practices of Jivamukti yoga, which offer the opportunity to root out the toxins that plague us.

About Dr. Magali Lehners

My Yoga journey started in 1998, when a friend took me to my first yoga class during a stressful period of exams at high school. After that, I started to practise Yoga regularly.

Later, during my studies in Geography, Sociology and Ethnology in Heidelberg and Munich, I couldn’t let go of it and when I graduated, I travelled to India, eager to get to know the country where Yoga originated. There, in a Sivananda ashram in the Himalayas, I did my first Yoga teacher training course.

Back in Munich, I discovered Jivamukti™ Yoga, in which I found my vocation and undertook Jivamukti™ teacher training. Since 2007, I have worked in Munich as an 800 hours certified Jivamukti™ Yoga teacher and became an advanced certified Jivamukti™ Yoga teacher in 2016. In 2014 I became co-founder of Dancing Kala Yoga in Luxembourg and Yoga Palais in 2016.

Alongside my Jivamukti™ Yoga practice, I also took an Ashtanga teacher training course with David Swenson and Kidsyoga teacher training with Thomas Bannenberg. Furthermore, I have taken part in workshops and retreats all over the world. In tandem with this Yoga path, I studied for a PhD in Urbanism at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich.

I see Yoga as the best way to take care of oneself, to be stronger in every situation. Yoga gives us a feeling of security, because it helps us to be less influenced by the trivial things in life. We can become more independent through practicing Yoga, while the basis for the acceptance of ourselves as we are, with all anxieties and insecurities, is fortified.

There have been many situations in my life, in which I had to make decisions either to grow and face a problem bravely or simply drop it. Yoga has helped me to make appropriate decisions, decisions more connected to myself. Through this, I have realised more clearly what I want and can easily act accordingly.

In essence, Yoga gives us the rooting feeling that everything is good as it is. For this, I am grateful to all the teachers that have accompanied me to where I am now. And also to the little person who is probably my most important teacher: my daughter Lou Kali.

Die nächsten Termine

Tagespreis: 40,00 €*
Preis für Frühbucher**/KitchenCards: 35,00 €*
Preis für Mitglieder: 30,00 €

*Auszubildende, Schüler/Studenten bis zum vollendeten 27. Lebesjahr erhalten einen Rabatt von 5,00 € auf den Tages- bzw. Frühbucherpreis.

**bei Anmeldung und Bezahlung spät. 7 Kalendertage vor dem Termin des Workshops/der Masterclass.

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