Aus- und Fortbildung in der YogaKitchen - Yoga in Düsseldorf (Oberkassel)



mit Keith Borden

Aus- und Fortbildungen in der YogaKitchen mit Keith BordenSwami Vivekananda said Bhakti-Yoga is a real, genuine search after the Lord, a search beginning, continuing, and ending in love. It is the Yoga of Spiritual Devotion. The Bhakti movement, which began in the 14th Century, was a direct reaction to the caste-restrictive ritualistic practices of the time in India. Bhaktis refused to rely on Brahmin priests for their self-realization, and instead embraced the ecstatic celebration of God as the most direct path to moksha or liberation. One of the main texts in the Bhakti tradition is the Bhakti Sutra of Narada. In this workshop we will discuss the Bhakti path, explore some of the key Bhakti sutras and chant many of the names of the Divine. Open to the open-hearted and those who wish to be open-hearted.

This workshop is a weekend to explore Bhakti, Mantra, Kirtan and Satsang. You will be introduced to the Bhakti Sutras of Narada and other texts on Bhakti (the Yoga of Love), as well as the meanings, stories and sweet subtleties behind the magic of mantra. You will have an opportunity to practice leading call-and-response devotional singing or kirtan, and learn basic harmonium skills. Come together with a community of the holy to blossom your heart. Open to everyone.

About Keith Borden

"I am consistently turned on by the stillness within movement, the silence hidden in sound, and the esoteric in the everyday. I love to practice yoga, and sharing this practice that I love for the last decade has been a terrific gift. I’m very lucky. I have great teachers in my life – Jasmine Tarkeshi, Dana Flynn, David Robson, David Gellineau, Manorama, and Rabbi Joseph Gellberman – and being a student is one of the best parts of the yoga practice. I have had the unique experience of working closely with and learning directly from my teachers for the last 10 years, and I continue to learn through the transformative process of self-reflection and the creative dialogue of teaching.

The Lotus Flow™ classes I offer, are energetic and balanced, and are infused with playfulness and creativity.
I strive to live, breathe, and offer the devotion-rich yoga that comes out of my daily home practice. I’m a singer, kirtan wallah, a bhakti yogi, and an interfaith minister. I always chant with my classes, and occasionally I play and sing during savasana.

I love to experiment in my practice, and years of Muay Thai, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong have taught me that all movement is healing and complementary to my sadhana or spiritual work. My goal is to hold a space that fosters inner quiet, true strength, and a healthy, joyous spirit where students can re-unite with and REJOICE in their true Self."

Der nächste Termin:

  • 14.04. bis 15.04.2018

Die Fortbildung findet in den Räumen von Cool Yoga in Dortmund statt. Samstag von 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Sonntag von 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr, jeweils 1 Std. Pause. Essen und Getränke bitte selbst mitbringen.


Frühbucherpreis bis zum 14.01.2018: 259,00 €
danach: 279,00 €

Aus- und Fortbildungen können nicht mit einer KitchenCard bezahlt werden.

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